Top-tier executives accustomed to handing out credit can encounter a surprising challenge – how to accept praise.
That question of personality fit was one of the main themes of an address on conscious business management given to a roomful of San Diego-area business executives by consultant and corporate trainer Scott deMoulin, head of Destiny Training Systems, at a meeting hosted by Sage Executive Group.
Sage CEO Jerry Rollins said that a psychological profile is a valuable tool to use in ensuring that people fit the job before they are hired. “An accountant shouldn’t have the same personality style as a salesman,” Rollins said. “Adapt the job description to the people you are bringing in. Assist a leader in leading and motivating.”
That is  why understanding the psychology of praise is so important.
“Many people can’t accept a compliment,” Rollins said. “It almost makes them uncomfortable, especially really good leaders who don’t want credit for what they do.”
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